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Our Latest Events

November 22nd, 2016

This is Your First Event

Our first mobility trip will be in Dublin, Republic of Ireland.

February 23, 2023

This is Your Second Event

Our second mobility trip will be in Czech republic, in Varnsdorf

Welcome to Our Project!

This project arise from the necessity of each school of the partnership to improve our teaching methodologies, and share certain aspects that are especially well worked in each school. The skills that we will explain in detail later are all complementary to each other, and all of them together form what we call "Sustainable skills of the 21st century" 

The project aims to develop a new teaching-learning methodology.

Education in the 21st century has little to do with traditional education of the past generations. 

Skills of the XXI century

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Created by Erasmus+ project Skills of the XXI century

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Tel: 0034971519436



c/ Afores s/n Lloseta Balearic Islands (Spain)

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